Letter from Svami Sadananda Dasa (still in India), to Vamandas 4 January, 1961 (Into English and © Kid Samuelsson 2014 Last modified 2 February 2023) My dear, dear Vamandas, May Krishna give you...
Swami Sadananda Dasa
The Only Ideal Couple
Svami Sadananda Dasa Extract from “Shraddha” (MS, page 10) and a commentary in the “Corrections” to page 218 Into English and © Kid Samuelsson 2021 Last changed: 15 June 2021 [From] Krishna- [and...
Svami Sadananda Dasa in 1971 (Into English, Samuelsson Kid comments in square brackets by the publishers © Samuelsson Kid/Stamm Katrin 2011 last modified 8.11.11) Dear Haripriya Dasi, Only...
Trap of Emotion
Letter from Svami Sadananda Dasa to M., Calcutta 18.2.54 © Kid Samuelsson 2006 last modified 26.4.15 Dear friend! I know everything of how you got the deep shock, suddenly remembering what you knew...
The Absolutely Revolutionary Metaphysics
The incredible thought which no one in want of His power of knowledge (bhakti) does not even dare to think is this: each and everyone, all of His forms are always present everywhere but are not...
Mahamantra and Nama
Svami Sadananda Dasa in two letters to Vamandas in 1960 and 1972 Into English and © Kid Samuelsson 2006 Dear Vamandas, [...] One thing made me very astonished, though, that you (in your lecture)...
Trap of Emotion
Letter from Svami Sadananda Dasa to M., Calcutta 18.2.54Dear friend! I know everything of how you got the deep shock, suddenly remembering whatyou knew long, long before you got your physical and...
Kṛṣṇa´s Damodar līlā
Rendering based on passages from Srimad Bhagavatam, Gopala-Campuh and Ananda-VrindAvana-Campuh Swami Sadananda Dasa Translated into English byKristina Hedtjärn, Bengt Lundborg and Kid Samuelssonfrom...
The Eternal Call
By Swami Sadananda dasa, one of the foremost disciples of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada and the first western adherent to Gaudiya Vaishnava philosophy in the 20th century....
What is Rasa?
Letter from Svami Sadananda Dasa to Vamandas 16.4.1956 The worldly rasa is dependent on a special technique of the poet, who himself experiences an aesthetic pleasure and whose work creates a...
The Nature of Gopi-Seva
(Into English, with bold letters and within square brackets: Kid Samuelsson; last changed 2.7.19..) [...] Here [in the rasa-lila chapters of the Bhagavatam] we are given an insight into the nature...
Society – Community – Math
By E. G. Schulze (Sadananda Svami) from The Harmonist (Shree Sajjanatoshani) VOL. XXXII, MARCH 19, 1936, No. 14 (1) Social life is made possible either by a mutual reasonable, general adjustment of...
Change of Environment
Dear M., I had a piece of good news – you said a few words on occasion of the meeting in Goeteborg. They were much appreciated. I am so very glad your words were much appreciated. For many...
Intellect and Instinct
Letter from Svami Sadananda Dasa, 1960s Intellect and instinct are like useless fireflies before the sun. To understand a little bit only, one must first forget all what one thinks, feels, has heard...