Letter from Svami Sadananda Dasa (still in India), to Vamandas 4 January, 1961
(Into English and © Kid Samuelsson 2014 Last modified 2 February 2023)
My dear, dear Vamandas,
May Krishna give you strength! […] You must not feel too sad when poor people like this “Maharshi” catch the foul fish from the surface of the water, when the idiotic worship of the so-called Indian has gone so far that the poor souls are stupid enough to think and believe that a so-called mantra without shakti [can lead to Bhagavan], without any notion of who, what and how Bhagavan is, and who it is that is to be led to Him. They do not realise that this cannot be more than a curiosity, like when foreigners in India get souvenirs in the form of tiger claws and relics from the Taj Mahal.
We want serious people, who have the true ability to search, to understand and to believe. Initially, all kinds of neurotic characters probably must turn up at your lectures – the faster they drop off the better. Bhakti is for those who are atmically disordered, for those who are in want of knowledge of the atma and the Paramatma, because they cannot serve Bhagavan, for those who understand that all kinds of exploitation are nothing but delusion – not for those who are mentally disordered and people who first should consult a psychiatrist to become decent, normal people, so that they later could long for bhakti. […]
It is so enormously important that people come to Krishna through you, and do not stick to you for your sake, instead of proceeding further. Your strong, noble personality is a danger […]
Hella seems to fret over the fact that Prabhupad’s [Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s] “disciple” failed. Prabhupad knew this and raised a finger of warning, anticipating that nothing of this large group as such would remain after his departure. It is surprising, though, how many noble and good individuals there are, who carry deep in their hearts his power and message, people who seem to be nothing more than ordinary citizens. Strength in crises and a clear answer to the deepest questions, these are the signs of true Grace.
The modern malady consists of the perpetual thirst for activity: restlessness. There are many things that we also would like to do but which are not possible to do, like puja, serving of the Murti [God’s Image form], partaking of sacramental meals [prasadam], and many other things, whose neglect or violation make us feel that we have failed. But Krishna sees it differently. It is about inner honesty and the right decision, carried by pure love and true knowledge, about our attitude, our world view, our focus, our heart. Pragmatism is the death of all true life and culture! You must help those who need it, to find a meaning in their lives again. You must set the stone in motion – HE will do the rest (?). […]
Blessings, love, strength, and thanks to everyone! […]
Shri Shri Guru-Gaurangau jayatah!