
Why all jivas are not satisfied?

Because knowingly or unknowingly they all are running in search of Supreme happiness. But they have no idea about how to get it or where to get it. Due to strong Maya they are going to misidentify...

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Stick firmly to your cherished goals

Gaudiya Gosthi Pati Sri Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja told that—“ Material people will always go on speaking all material topics in front of you, you cannot stop them, but try to...

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Why Laksmi devi going to ride owl ?

Why does Laksmi devi ride an owl? The answer is going to make a laughing-stock of the conditioned soul bound by lobha (greed). Though it is humorous as well as tragic, the following should...

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Our tongue is a great Sadhu!

The nature of our tongue is very nice, never having hostile mood ( attacking mood), just like a sadhu living amidst all enemies. The tongue is very humble living inside the trap of 32 teeth. But...

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