Tattva vadi means those who can speak about tattva siddhanta nicely without having direct realization about that. But those tattva vit puruṣas—they can speak about all those tattva vijñāna topics...
To clean our dirty heart –Apprakrita Harikatha hearing is best way
If we go on hearing hari-kathā from the Lotus mouth of śuddha Guru-Vaiṣṇava, then by drinking that kind of nectarine hari-kathā, we can develop tremendous faith (śraddhā) in Guru-Vaiṣṇava-Bhagavan-...
Aprakrita Vastu is beyond our material limit
Material people thinking that blood came out of Śrī Kṛṣṇa´s body at the battlefield of Kurukṣetra. They also believe that blood came out of Śrīman Nityananda Prabhu´s head by the direct attack of...
Why all jivas are not satisfied?
Because knowingly or unknowingly they all are running in search of Supreme happiness. But they have no idea about how to get it or where to get it. Due to strong Maya they are going to misidentify...
Stick firmly to your cherished goals
Gaudiya Gosthi Pati Sri Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja told that—“ Material people will always go on speaking all material topics in front of you, you cannot stop them, but try to...
For the unique purpose of Krsna seva both love and rapture is appreciable
“If love and rapture going to happen between two Vaishnavas for the same unique purpose of Krsna seva then we must give absolute honor to both of them, but cannot take one side” Sometimes we can see...
We are going to give honor to Srila Prabhupada only externally, not from heart
Even our external exhibition of honour which we want to confer (give) to Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada have some internal motive of getting personal prathista, because otherwise nobody...
For all general fallen souls nothing is more auspicious than Dham Parikrama
It was the standing instruction of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur on Srila Prabhupada to arrange Dhama Parikrama for bonded souls, because bonded souls can get bhakti unmukhi sukriti through Dhama...
A flattering personality can never become a preaching personality
“Popularity and perfect preaching can never go together. If I am interested to enjoy popularity then surely I cannot speak about that absolute truth absolute way for the actual benefit of the common...
One who is very fortunate gets an opportunity to associate with a bona fide spiritual master
Just like it is impossible for us to count the unlimited sand particles on the beach, there are unlimited jivas wandering according to their fruitive activities (karma) up and down in this Universe...
Any amount of shortage of faith in Guru-Vaishnav- Bhagavan or His Dham, Nama, beauty, glory or paraphernalia etc. can invite Mayavad or Impersonalism to contaminate our heart knowingly or unknowingly
Mayavad-vicar (Impersonalism) can come in countless different forms which is impossible for common devotees to understand. Maybe sometime this can come in form of morality or honesty or...
Just like a false sadhu who is always busy passing lecture only, a parrot can speak without any realization
One parrot was there with a man in a house which was just adjacent to a sub forest. That pet-parrot used to stay freely without any bondage by his master. The master trained the parrot to speak a...
Why Laksmi devi going to ride owl ?
Why does Laksmi devi ride an owl? The answer is going to make a laughing-stock of the conditioned soul bound by lobha (greed). Though it is humorous as well as tragic, the following should...
Our tongue is a great Sadhu!
The nature of our tongue is very nice, never having hostile mood ( attacking mood), just like a sadhu living amidst all enemies. The tongue is very humble living inside the trap of 32 teeth. But...