Video 2

March 10, 2020

Desire to live peacefully can prove passive kama inside heart. Any amount of trouble is welcomed in the way of Hari Bhajan. To serve those Mathur Viraha Vrajavasis is our ultimate goal. Which Viraha is topmost heavy?  Vaishnava Viraha is topmost heavy.  If we can understand the strong feeling of separation felt by Srila Madhavendra Puripad then we can get entry into Raganuga Bhajan. Gaura avirbhav was already there inside the heart of Madhavendra Puripad to give him that kind of feeling of strong separation (exclusive Madhur Rasa). The feeling of transcendental separation (Viraha) can elevate us up to the level of Madhur Rasa Seva. Divine Harinam or Hari Katha is the divine panacea which can easily give us 100% success, but in bounded condition no one like to go for pure Sat Sanga – that is the tragedy.