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The Prabhupada 11
Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta always used to say, that we Gaudiyas have some kind of specialty, what kind of specialty? Specialty regarding seva and specialty regarding Siddhanta. Because seva and Siddhanta are almost same. When you can find Siddhanta in applied form than it is called seva, and when you find seva in the form of a words, then it becomes Siddhanta. It is same, it’s a compensating factor, and if you have many mistakes in Siddhanta then actual seva cannot be done.
Edited Books & Articles of Srila Maharaja

All glories to the divine flow coming either from the pen of The Prabhupāda or from his Lotus mouth
All glories to Śrī Śrī Guru Gaurāṅga Śrī Śyāma Dāsa Bābā nikhila-bhuvana-maya-chinnavicchinna-karttrivibudha-bahula-mrgya-mukti-mohanta-dhattrisithilita-vidhi-rāga-radhya-radhesa-dhanivilasatu hrdi nityam bhaktisiddhānta-vāṇī With his first step, He...
Upadesha by Gaudiya Acharyas

Scriptural quotes to prove that it is sahajiyaism to approach Rādhā Kṛṣṇa and Harinama directly without constantly remembering Gaur–Nitai first
Is shajiyaism harmful for normal devotees? (1) Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura writes in Prema Pradipa Tenth Ray: ei rupa sabhaa ami taha vyakti karile...
Quote by Shyam Das Baba
Without tattva-vit Maha-purusa (suddha Guru-Vaishnava) nobody can give us tattva jnana
Tattva vadi means those who can speak about tattva siddhanta nicely without having direct realization about that. But those tattva vit puruṣas—they can speak about all those tattva vijñāna topics out of their direct realization power. This kind of tattva vit realized...

Sarasvati Gaudiya Writings
Editor’s response to Sree Vyasa-Puja Adresses
This response to the Sree Vyasa Puja (1936) by Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur was published in The Harmonist or Sajjana Toshani March 19, 1936. In today's great gathering of such...