Srimad Bhakti Vijnana Asrama Maharaja

After joining the Gaudiya Matha, Tridandi SvamI Srimad Bhakti Vijnana Asrama Maharaja developed an intense desire to worship Sri Nrsimha-deva, for which he was given a Nrsimha-mantra by Srila Sarasvati Thakura. Frequenting Nrsimha-palli, he would be overcome by ecstasy in loving remembrance of Lord Nrsimha.

During one Navadvipa-dhama Parikrama, Srlla Sarasvati Thakura ordered Asrama Maharaja to mount the elephant to help tend the deity of Gaurasundara. Perceiving Asrama Maharaja’s hesitancy to sit above him and the other devotees, Srila Sarasvati Thakura quoted, kabhu na badhibe tomaya visaya-taranga: “The waves of material sense enjoyment will not obstruct you.”